08 February, 2008


5 Elements '72 sacred names of GOD’ Silver Pendant with 14K Gold Star of David, Kabbalah Inspired Pendant, with Chrysoberyl (chrysoprase) stone by Zippi & Max.This unique pendant in Sterling Silver and 14 K Gold, is entirely hand engraved by the craftspeople by Zippi and Max.D - 1.18 inch18 inch silver chain is included. Cat Eye – Chrysoberyl (chrysoprase) stone: This gem was already mentioned in the Judaic Sources and is, indeed, the most power gifted among the cat eye stones. It provides you protection, prevents poverty and improves your economical situation. It brings luck and happiness. In many cultures, it is also used against the evil eye and sadness. It sharpens your intuition. Beyond encouraging wealth, it also intensifies your personality, your charisma, your self-confidence and abilities while promoting success and prosperity in many fields.

What are the 72 names?Ancient Kabbalist, Rabbi Shimon bar Yokhai writes in the Zohar that it was Moses, not God, who parted the Red Sea allowing the Jews to narrowly escape Pharaoh and the Egyptian army. Moses had a special formula. The formula that he used to overcome the laws of nature was hidden in the Zohar for 2,000 years. This formula is called the 72 Names of God. The 72 Names are not really names, as in Betty, Bill, Barbara, and Bob. The 72 Names are 72 three-letter sequences composed of Hebrew letters that have the extraordinary power to overcome the laws of both mother and human nature. These 72 sequences are actually encoded into the Bible story that tells of the parting of the Red Sea. They are like conduits that transmit various blends of energy from the Light into our physical world. By using the power of the 72 Names and overcoming their reactive natures, Moses and the Jews were able to accomplish the miracle of the Red Sea.72 names of God:
Meaning: We have the power within ourselves to activate the 72 names so that the influence our lives: The various groupings help us eradicate various maladies – physical and mental, be they sicknesses or health problems or infertility, and those mental disturbances such as pressure, depression, anger and so forth. Each of the groupings connects us to a source of strength using which we obtain the ability to control every sphere of our lives and change them for the better, changing difficulty to challenge, and getting the best we can out of our existence.
For example:
The grouping of the letters 'mem', 'hey', 'shin' is a segula according to the Kabbalah, for cure and health.
The grouping of the letters 'chaf', 'lamed', 'yud' is a segula for fertility, according to Kabbalah. It does wonders for those finding it hard to become pregnant.
The grouping of the letters 'alef', 'lamed', daled', is, according to Kabbalah, a segula, for strong defense against the evil eye and negative forces.
The grouping of the letters 'hey', 'hey', 'ayin', is a segula, according to the Kabbalah, for love for ourselves and those we love.
The grouping of the letters 'samech', 'alef', 'lamed', is a segula, according to the Kabbalah, for abundance, power to influence, and improvement of financial status.
The grouping of the letters 'shin', 'alef', 'hey', is a segula, according to the Kabbalah, for enchanting marriage and for finding a suitable partner.
These groupings can help anyone to reach a physical or spiritual peace. They connect us to the source of power that helps us to cope with everyday pressures.

Egypt fears Gazans bought land in Sinai

Egyptian authorities are investigating claims that many Gazans bought land in Sinai in the past few weeks.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit.Photo: AP [file]
Leaders of several Beduin tribes living in Sinai have sent a message to Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in which they strongly denied that their families sold land to Palestinians who poured into Egypt after the border was breached on January 23.
Egyptian law prohibits foreigners from purchasing land in Sinai.
The investigation comes amid growing tension between Egypt and Hamas over the tearing down of the security fence along the border with the Gaza Strip.
Sources close to Hamas said Egyptian authorities have decided to suspend contacts with the Hamas leadership in protest of the breaching of the border.
The sources told The Jerusalem Post that Cairo had also declared Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal persona non grata. In addition, several Hamas leaders from the Gaza Strip have been told they would not be allowed to enter Egypt. They include Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, Mahmoud Zahar and Said Siam.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit issued a strong warning to Hamas on Thursday.
"Anyone who violates Egypt's borders will get his legs broken," Aboul Gheit was quoted as saying.
He added that Egypt only allowed the Palestinians to cross the border after Hamas blew up the wall because of the humanitarian crisis resulting from Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip.
He blamed Israel for the hardship that Gaza was experiencing, and for "responding to the Palestinian missiles with collective punishment." Aboul Gheit also criticized Hamas for firing rockets at Israel, accusing the movement of "laughable caricature" resulting in self-inflicted wounds.
"After Hamas's takeover of Gaza, it has decided to clash with Israel, though this clash seems to be a laughable caricature, because clashing with an opponent in battle is supposed to mean damaging them," Aboul Gheit said. "You do not go into battle just to damage yourself."
He said Hamas's rockets either fell in Gaza and wounded Palestinians or gave the Israelis a pretext to attack them.
In their message, the Beduin leaders said they opposed selling their land to Palestinians or to any other "foreigners."
Mubarak dispatched the governor of northern Sinai, Ahmed Abdel Hamid, to warn the Beduin in Sinai against selling land to Palestinians. Palestinian sources claimed earlier that dozens of families from the Gaza Strip who crossed into Sinai have purchased thousands of dunams of land from Beduin tribes there.
"The Egyptian fear that Palestinian families are planning to settle in Sinai," the sources added.
The semi-official Al-Ahram newspaper in Cairo reported on Thursday that Egyptian security forces have rounded up some 650 Palestinians who were staying in el-Arish. It said the Egyptians were planning to deport them to the Gaza Strip in the coming days.
According to the report, Egyptian authorities have also seized 22 vehicles with Palestinian registration plates.
Hamas officials, meanwhile, confirmed that many Arab men had visited the Gaza Strip to volunteer to fight against Israel. But the officials said that most of the men were asked to leave because Hamas already had enough volunteers.
Defense officials said there were indications that large numbers of foreigners had entered the Gaza Strip following the collapse of the border wall between Gaza and Egypt.
The officials said that while there was information backing up the Hamas claims, the defense establishment had yet to notice signs of the formation of a new terrorist group made up of the foreigners.
The entry of the foreigners into Gaza was not surprising, the officials said, adding that Muslim extremists have previously infiltrated other countries, such as Iraq, to participate in attacks. Coalition forces have claimed for years that Syria was turning a blind eye to thousands of foreign terrorists who used its border to infiltrate Iraq and participate in the fight against US troops.
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) has also warned of a dramatic increase in the number of anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft shoulder-to-air missiles and sophisticated long-range rockets that were smuggled into Gaza during the 12 days that the border with Egypt was open.

ועדות ההתנגדות: ממליצים לפנות את שדרות

מה שהיה עד עכשיו הוא כלום לעומת מה שיהיה. אנו קוראים להם להתפנות כדי לשמור על ביטחון ילדיהם", כך אמר ל-ynet בכיר בוועדות ההתנגדות העממית, שלקחו אחריות לירי 17 רקטות הקסאם הבוקר. רקטה אחת נפלה באזור התעשייה של אשקלון ושתיים אחרות גרמו נזק לחקלאים בנתיב העשרה. ארבעה בני אדם לקו בחרדה
עלי ואקד ושמוליק חדד

איום מרצועת עזה. ועדות ההתנגדות העממית קראו בצהריים (יום ו') לתושבי שדרות והדרום להתפנות מבתיהם. בכיר ועדות ההתנגדות העממית, אבו עביר, שארגונו אחראי לירי רקטות הקסאם לעבר הנגב המערבי הבוקר, אמר ל-ynet: "מה שהיה עד עכשיו הוא כלום לעומת מה שיהיה. אנו קוראים להם להתפנות כדי לשמור על ביטחונם וביטחון ילדיהם", אמר אבו עביר.

מאז שעות הבוקר נורו 17 רקטות קסאם מרצועת עזה אל עבר ישובי הנגב המערבי ושדרות, ארבעה בני אדם לקו בחרדה. אבו מוג'הד, דובר פלוגות סלאח א-דין, הזרוע הצבאית של ועדות ההתנגדות העממית, אמר ל-ynet כי הירי מבוצע כתגובה על

של בכיר הארגון, אבו אל-סאעד.

במטח הירי הראשון נורו ארבע רקטות קסאם. אחת מהרקטות פגעה בחממות של מושב נתיב העשרה, וגרמה נזק לצינורות, מערכת ההשקיה וליריעות של אחת החממות. שלוש רקטות נוספות נפלו בשטחים פתוחים ולא גרמו לנפגעים או לנזק.

רכז הביטחון של נתיב העשרה, גיל תעסה, סיפר: "במקום עבדו מספר עובדים, שנמלטו כששמעו את מערכת ההתראה 'צבע אדום' ותפסו מחסה. למזלנו לא היו נפגעים, זה היה קרוב מאוד לכך. אנו חיים במציאות שבה הדרג המדיני מתעלם מאיתנו והירי נמשך ללא הפסקה. אנו עדיין סבורים שרק פעולה קרקעית רחבה תפתור את בעיית הירי שנמשך כבר הרבה זמן".

במטח השני, שכלל חמש רקטות, שוב נרשמה פגיעה ונזק קל לחממות בנתיב העשרה. רקטה שנייה נפלה באזור התעשייה הדרומי של אשקלון, אך לא דווח על נפגעים או על נזק. רקטה אחרת נפלה ליד מפעל עוף קור באזור התעשייה שער הנגב, שם נגרם נזק קל למבנה. גם בצפון שדרות, בשטח פתוח בסמוך לבתי התושבים, נמצאה רקטה.

בהמשך נורו עוד שמונה רקטות נוספות לאזור שדרות. ארבעה בני אדם לקו בחרדה ופונו לטיפול בבית החולים ברזילי באשקלון.

كيف تطبخين زوجك ؟


إليك هذه الوصفة الغنية :
ضعي زوجك في قدر من الاهتمام والمحبة لكن هدئي النار
اسكبي عليه حنانك انتبهي لا يغرق
حليّه بقليل من الابتسام يجب ان تكون خفيفة كي لا يقول حمقاء

حركي المزيج بملعقة من الأعصاب الهادئة
احكميه بغطاء من الثقة المضغوطة
ولا تنسي السهم الخماسى الجبار للتسجيد الفورى
لا تناقشي -

لا تجادلي - لا تشتكي - لا تطالبي - لا تعاتبي


Men & Women
Human = eat + sleep + work + enjoy
Donkey = eat + sleep
Human = Donkey + work + enjoy
So, Human - enjoy = Donkey + work
In other words,
Human that don't know enjoy = Donkey that work
*************** *************** ************
Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Donkeys = eat + sleep
Men = Donkeys + earn money
So, Men - earn money = Donkeys
In other words,
Men that don't earn money = Donkeys
*************** *************** ************
Women = eat + sleep + spend
Donkeys = eat + sleep
Women = Donkeys + spend
So, Women - spend = Donkeys
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Donkeys
*************** *************** ************
To Conclude:
* Men earn money not to let women become Donkeys!
* Women spend not to let men become Donkeys!
* Man + Woman = 2 Human!


اتفرجت على الماتش امبارح وشوفت عمرو ذكى او عماد متعب
المهم هو لاعب فى منتخب مصر علشان بصراحة انا مش عارفهم اوى
شد الشورت لواحد من معسكر الاعداء
بعد كدة العيبة يعملو حسايهم قبل اى مطحنة
ويتعاملو مع شركة الامبراطور
100% قطن
